Author: Will Thompson

Nissan S-Cargo

This morning’s strange car was a Nissan S-Cargo

The Japanese Kei Car pool on Flickr came through. As it turns out, the strange vehicle I saw this morning was a Nissan S-Cargo (snail pun probably intended). According to the Wikipedia article it was a small van produced in Japan from 1989-1992. S-Cargo vans(?) were exported for use in other countries, and are coveted as business advertisement vehicles for… Read more →

What the hell kind of car did I see this morning?

What kind of car is this?

This interesting looking creation caught my eye this morning in traffic on the freeway. It had manufacturer plates and yellow round bug-eyed headlights. I was near the Nissan manufacturing facility, which would seem to go with how unique it looked. I think I’ll upload the pictures to flickr and add them to the Kei Cars pool to see if anyone… Read more →

Chevrolet Volt real world MPG numbers are not so great

I guess I should express admiration for Chevrolet in taking its first step to create an electric/gas vehicle into production that’s not just a limited range pure electric or adding another crappy hybrid to its fleet of Tahoes. But I can’t. According to real world road tests done by Popular Mechanics, you can only expect to go just over 30… Read more →

No more Nissan Leaf reservations taken

Nissan stops taking reservations for Leaf electric car

Hope you got your order in early if you wanted one… We are thrilled with the overwhelming enthusiasm people like you have shown for the 100% electric Nissan LEAF™. To date, 20,000 people have already reserved a LEAF – a number that has exceeded our expectations. We have completed the first phase of reservations. In order to provide the best… Read more →